Jan 11, 2017
Cleanses for Everyone
The problem today is 75% to 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints. Cleanses are a great way to...

Jan 5, 2017
How to Create a Recharging Habit
With New Years Resolutions in place they do no good unless we figure out how to take action on them, integrate them into your daily life,...

Nov 9, 2016
Nine Days to a New You
What if within one day you could feel a greater sense of joy, release all pains in your body, feel the energy of a child, have a calm...

Oct 5, 2016
Four Steps to Cultivate Inner and Outer Beauty
For the past few years I have had a fun game of looking at my face in the mirror to check my inner health after I wake up in the morning...

Jun 8, 2016
What Would Life Be Like If You Were Fully Aware?
For the past week the Bhagavad Gita in the New Age study group participants have been asking ourselves, “If I had a fully expanded...

Apr 10, 2016
How to Have the Best Day of Your Life
Today is the best day of my life. I just returned home from a 6 day marketing seminar. On the first day the lead trainer asked us to...

Jan 24, 2016
Love Is Our Natural State
Most people can agree love is one of the most potent and desired experiences. It is something that always exists and we can either tap...

Jul 4, 2015
Healed by a Dying Woman
As I face the challenges coming up lately, it is very easy to go directly into a negative reaction. Yet around the corner keeps coming a...

Jun 17, 2015
Where is God?: A Yogic Perspective
Isn’t God more than a person? Doesn't God dwell within us? Isn't everything God? These are some of the questions I have been hearing from...

Jul 7, 2014
Commitment and Freedom: Same or Different?
A couple recent conversations within LoveWorks, a relationship training program, helped me get clear on my relationship with the term...