Jun 2, 2016
"Destroy Me!" Two Words to Conquer Conflict and Pain
Right before my recent travels I felt a conflict arise with someone I held very dearly. It pained me greatly to feel dissonance rather...

Mar 31, 2016
After Death Comes Rebirth
I just had a numerology astrology tarot reading which happened to be on the death day in the death year of my chart. Two of the main...

Jan 24, 2016
Love Is Our Natural State
Most people can agree love is one of the most potent and desired experiences. It is something that always exists and we can either tap...

Oct 2, 2015
Releasing Pain in Copper Canyon, Mexico
With eclipses, blood moons, and mercury retrograde, many people are feeling a lot of shifts right now. My hope is that we all can enjoy...

Jul 4, 2015
Healed by a Dying Woman
As I face the challenges coming up lately, it is very easy to go directly into a negative reaction. Yet around the corner keeps coming a...

Jul 7, 2014
Commitment and Freedom: Same or Different?
A couple recent conversations within LoveWorks, a relationship training program, helped me get clear on my relationship with the term...

Jan 3, 2014
Eat, Pray, Love All in Italy
Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the book Eat, Pray, Love, did not have to leave Italy to find “eat,”” pray,” and “love.” As we all know,...