May 13, 2017
Seven Ways to Freely Give
There is a great freedom in being able to freely to give, to be present for others, and to feel safe and empowered while doing so. Here...
May 5, 2017
Absolutely Happy in Seven Days!
Try this for one week to help feel absolutely happy and then let us know how it went by clicking here. Day One: Joy is Your Natural State...
Apr 27, 2017
7 Steps to Boundless Energy!
After a long hard day at work you plop down on the couch tired noticing the mess in your home and wanting to do nothing. The phone rings. Lu
Jan 5, 2017
How to Create a Recharging Habit
With New Years Resolutions in place they do no good unless we figure out how to take action on them, integrate them into your daily life,...
Aug 23, 2016
Energy Redefined To Feel More Of It
Get ready to learn something about energy that I have never shared before. I will also be suggesting we redefine how we use the word...
Jun 17, 2015
Where is God?: A Yogic Perspective
Isn’t God more than a person? Doesn't God dwell within us? Isn't everything God? These are some of the questions I have been hearing from...
May 7, 2014
Energy Dance - Surrendering to God
This past weekend’s Energy Dance with Sonika Tinker and Christian Pedersen started with the video above. Right away it reminded me of the...
Jan 24, 2014
What Really Are the Rules?: How to Inspire Creativity
After going to a musical the other night, I was reminded of the transformational opening I felt from going to a dance concert a few...