Jun 29, 2016
Is the Bhagavad Gita Timeless?
With over 23 million people watching Game of Thrones, it should not be a question if people would be interested in reading about outdated...

Jun 20, 2016
The Contradiction Between Natural Healing and Conventional Medicines
"How can I dissolve the contradiction of being vegan with pills for diabetes?" A letter from a student and my response... Hi Avital, I...

Jun 8, 2016
What Would Life Be Like If You Were Fully Aware?
For the past week the Bhagavad Gita in the New Age study group participants have been asking ourselves, “If I had a fully expanded...

Jul 4, 2015
Healed by a Dying Woman
As I face the challenges coming up lately, it is very easy to go directly into a negative reaction. Yet around the corner keeps coming a...

Jun 17, 2015
Where is God?: A Yogic Perspective
Isn’t God more than a person? Doesn't God dwell within us? Isn't everything God? These are some of the questions I have been hearing from...

Aug 3, 2014
Embody the Coat or Be Your Naked Self?
Do you want to express where you are or where you are going? Do you want to embody a coat from the outside in or be your naked true self?...

Jul 7, 2014
Commitment and Freedom: Same or Different?
A couple recent conversations within LoveWorks, a relationship training program, helped me get clear on my relationship with the term...

May 7, 2014
Energy Dance - Surrendering to God
This past weekend’s Energy Dance with Sonika Tinker and Christian Pedersen started with the video above. Right away it reminded me of...

May 3, 2014
Go On Alone
The words "Go On Alone" seem to be one of the themes coming up for me recently. I was just reminded one of Swami Kriyananda’s last...

Mar 28, 2014
How Many People Does It Take to Tango?
Through meditating consistently and deeply over time, many friends and I have found more peace within ourselves and our interactions with...